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Monster Hunter World Insect Glaive Gear Set Build UPDATED

Monster Hunter World Insect Glaive Gear Set Build

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Cloak-and-dagger Kirin monster quests

Kirin is an extremely rare monster in Monster Hunter: World that makes a return from previous games. Kirin is only available in select quests, which the game does not reveal. At that place are actually multiple Kirin quests -- the first one is the "Gone In A Wink" Low rank five star optional quest, which is unlocked by completing the following tasks:

    After unlocking two star assignments, check the Biologist NPCs in Astera regularly. The Smart Biologist will accept a quest bachelor when at that place is a yellow exclamation point (!) above his head. He is standing about the Botanical Garden on the lower level of Astera. He volition give you lot a series of quests that you must complete, ranging from two star to five star. Play all of these quests. More become available when you lot unlock higher star assignments. The optional quests are:

      Optional Quest one (2 Stars): Snatch The Snatcher (capture Kulu-Ya-Ku).
      Optional Quest 2 (3 Stars): Landing The Landslide Wyvern (capture Barroth).
      Optional Quest 3 (iv Stars): White Monster White Coat (capture Paolumu).
      Optional Quest 4 (5 Stars): Man's All-time Friend (capture Odogaron).

    Later those iv quests are completed, the Impatient Biologist in Astera (continuing in front of the Botanical Garden) volition requite yous the Kirin quest. Yous tin can at present fight and slay Kirin and craft armor from his drops. You lot also unlock the Thunderproof Mantle after completing the quest, when y'all study dorsum to the Impatient Biologist. This volition brand hereafter Kirin encounters much easier.

To unlock the nine star tempered Kirin quest (Thunderous Rumble In The Highlands), successfully complete the story and reach Hunter Rank 49 to unlock information technology equally a chief assignment on the questboard. Hunt large monsters after the story to rank upwards and become this quest. Note: This is a tempered Kirin and one of the hardest fights in the entire game. Information technology is recommended to bring a group of high level players and article of clothing the Thunderproof Mantle. If you do not want to wait until Hunter Rank 49, there is an like shooting fish in a barrel workaround. Only go to the questboard and search for an SOS flare, set information technology to high rank and specify Kirin equally the target. You tin can and then bring together someone else's game. Yous practice non really take to exist HR49 for information technology, just the host needs to be. After completing this quest, it will turn into an viii star optional quest on your board and can be repeated equally many times as desired (talk to biologist afterwards to unlock it permanently). You tin can also farm Kirin easily by searching on the questboard for SOS flares and specifying this monster in the SOS search settings (Select Target function).

Rainbow Pigment

Successfully complete "The White Winds Of The New World" ix* quest to unlock the Rainbow Pigment.

Easy powerful end-game armor

Successfully complete the "A Colossal Job" assignment to attain Hunter Rank xi and unlock the High Rank quests, putting you into the end-game. You can now farm Zorah Magdaros for powerful armor. Every Zorah Magdaros quest will drib monster materials, just the final "A Colossal Chore" assignment provides the most. The "A Colossal Job" quest volition randomly appear on your quest board. In that location is a gamble it will appear at any fourth dimension after returning from a quest and resetting the board, but information technology is quite rare. However, SOS Flares allow y'all to get around this limitation. Use the online SOS system to quickly and easily farm this mission. Additionally, utilize a daily voucher to increase your rare boodle drops. Y'all can earn double the materials if y'all are lucky. Use the following steps to hands farm powerful end-game armor:

    i. Join/kickoff an online session.

    2. Go to the "Quest Counter" and "Bring together a Quest".

    3. Select "Answer to SOS" and set up the target to Zorah Magdaros.

    4. Search and make certain "Quest Blazon" is "No Preference".

    v. Go to the "Optional" tab, and you should become "Left Quite the Impression". This is the optional quest that will randomly appear on your board. Information technology is identical to the final battle confronting Zorah Magdaros.

    half-dozen. During the quest, farm equally many mining outcrops as possible to get Dragonite Ore and Zorah Carapace. The outcrops volition repopulate afterwards a few minutes.

    7. When attacking the cores, check for monster materials that drib. Also, watch the falling rocks, as they can besides drib monster material.

    8. To impairment Zorah quicker, use the slinger and launch rocks at the trapped stalactites. They will explode and impairment Zorah. When the large monster appears, impairment Zorah enough to cause it to retreat so you practise not take to waste product fourth dimension fighting it.

    9. During the third phase, aim for the face to smash his rocky jaw region. Once it cracks, you lot will go bonus rare materials. Remember that you can load a cannon with up to v shots; you practice not demand to reload after every shot.

Easy money

Progress in the story until y'all unlock the "Prickly Predicament" three star optinal quest. Talk to the Chief Botanist in the Botanical Enquiry section to get the quest. Complete it by collecting 20 Cactuses, and so return to him to unlock the ability to cultivate and grow Might Seeds. The Might Seeds are extremely valuable and tin be sold for 140 zenny. Simply place a might seed in the cultivation slot and let it multiply while you are out doing quests. After you lot return from quests, grab the might seeds and sell them at the store. To speed the farming process up, unlock the second cultivating slot to grow twice as much. To unlock the second cultivating slot, complete the "Persistent Pests" four star optional quest.

Wear the Bandit Curtain for monsters to drop rare trade-in items when attacked. To get the Bandit Mantle, complete the "Redefining The Power Couple" five star quest. Trade-in items are substantially junk items that are merely useful for selling. They cannot be used to craft or upgrade -- so you do not have to worry nigh selling useful monster parts. To actuate the Brigand Mantle, string attacks until the mantle begins to glow. One time activated, the effect will terminal a set corporeality of time, causing items to drib from the monster. Whenever you are doing quests, you tin earn trade-in items with it. The higher level the monster, the more valuable the trade-in items. Everyone in your squad can also employ the Bandit Mantle, multiplying your earnings. Go back and fight weak monsters from earlier quests using your loftier-level gear, and y'all can get ten,000+ zenny in a few minutes. If all allies are wearing Bandit Mantles, you can get more than xxx,000+ zenny in a few minutes.

Easy monster materials

To get more monster materials, there are four basic tips to follow. The outset two tips are like shooting fish in a barrel to practice from the showtime of the game, merely yous volition need specialized equipment for the last two that will not be available until afterward in the game. The 4 tips are every bit follows:

  • Select investigations with gold rewards.
  • Use daily reward vouchers on investigations to double your rewards.
  • Use the Bandit Mantle to get rare materials while attacking monsters.
  • Use the Plunder Blade to get fifty-fifty more rare materials.

Investigations take randomized advantage tiers —- you tin can view the advantage boxes on each investigation. Some investigations have one golden reward, and two silver rewards; or two bronze rewards and i gold reward. You lot always desire to do the ones with golden rewards. The quests usually are not any harder, and often involve captures.

Check in every day to collect a voucher. When you lot login, collect your daily rewards. This volition ever include a voucher. Vouchers are very useful, as they tin double your quest rewards, or increase your chances of getting rare drops. Do non waste vouchers on investigations with only statuary or silver rewards.

Become the Bandit Curtain as soon as possible. When this special drapery is equipped, it causes monsters to drop rare items when yous assail them. The result does not stack, but it can exist shared —- then your whole team gets the benefits of the Brigand Mantle while information technology is active. To get information technology, complete the "Redefining The Power Couple" optional Level 5 quest.

Get the Plunderblade. This is a special equipment detail for your Palico that steals items from monsters when your Palico attacks. Shiny materials will driblet from monsters more often, and you will become more rewards at the end of a hunt. The Plunderblade becomes more constructive at dropping monster materials as yous level up your Palico's proficiency. To become the Plunderblade, successfully consummate the "Into The Bowels Of The Vale" quest in Rotten Vale. Take a piece of raw meat to the lower areas of Rotten Vale. Search for a Legiana corpse (Area 6/9). Track Odogaron and follow it to the Legiana corpse. It volition ignore you and get for the corpse. Go to Area 13 (Odogaron'due south Den) and wait for Odogaron to leave the area. Apply Dung Bombs to chase it away if information technology does not go out. When you get in, at that place will be a Grimalkyne Plunder waiting near the Legiana corpse. Approach the Grimalkyne, and it will retreat. Track him to Surface area 15. Later finding him in Area 15, he volition retreat over again. To describe him out, drop a raw meat on the basis. When the Grimalkyne appears, approach it to view a cutscene. You will at present be friends with the Grimalkyne, and it will give yous the Plunderblade.

With the Bandit Drape and Plunderblade, yous will be able to earn lots of extra rewards while simply completing random investigations and other quests. That is useful for getting parts yous demand to upgrade weapons and build armor, and you can sell what you exercise non want for extra zenny.

Like shooting fish in a barrel resources

You tin subcontract resources by annexation flowerbeds, cactuses, mining outcrops, bonepiles, etc. Every time you lot gather resources from ane of these areas, you will become a random driblet. Certain items take increased rarity, and gathering nodes normally can be looted iii times. To improve your resources gathering potential, put together the post-obit special armor gear up, which has unique skills that will greatly meliorate your resources gathering potential:

  • Shamos Goggles (Alpha)
  • Rathian Mail (Blastoff)
  • Male monarch Beetle Brachia (Beta)
  • Hunter'due south Ringlet (Beta)
  • King Beetle Crura (Beta)

To unlock the Rex Beetle armor prepare, collect a Great Hornfly. Information technology can be obtained past talking to the Botanical Inquiry Center NPC and boosting love/bug tillage.

This special armor set has five decorations: 2 Geology Jewel 1 and three Specimen Jewel i. The Geology Jewels are the most important, and upgrading them is the most important factor. Each Geology Jewel allows you to gather actress items from bonepiles, gathering points, and mining outcrops. Combine all the armor to get the following skills: Botanist Lvl. four, Geologist Lvl. 3, Entomologist Lvl. iii, Master Fisher Lvl. 1, Master Gatherer Lvl. 1, and Forager's Luck Lvl. 1. There are lots of other skills, but these are the nigh important skills. With this armor equipped, you will get more than herbs/seeds/mushrooms per loot, increase the corporeality of times you can employ a gather node, make it easier to catch fish, make gathering nodes faster, and increment your chance of getting rare gathering resource.

Easy Tier 3 sniping decorations

This following melding exploit allows you to get the all-time sniping decorations every time you meld. The melding process at the elderberry melder is basically random. You give him decorations y'all do not want and you get a random decoration in return. Tier 3 decorations are the near valuable and rarest to receive -- so it can take a long fourth dimension until you get the one you really want. To get any decoration you want from the melder, first save your game to the cloud storage before you lot meld, and restart the game. This allows you to keep your electric current progress and you lot volition not lose whatsoever items y'all are about to meld. Then, return to the elder melder and meld strange streams in the Outset Wyverian Ritual. Meld sets of three as many times as desired, and write down what you got out of each scroll in slot i-3. Once you melded a couple of times and found decorations you want, load your previous salve game from the cloud storage and restart the game again. The rolls will accept the exact aforementioned result as before -- so you now know what each slot volition give you. If you found something you like in roll 2 for instance, start a quest and complete it. This will skip one roll and you lot can now meld the item y'all want.

Easy Armor Spheres

Armor Spheres are increasingly important near the end of the game. Armor Sphere let yous to upgrade your body armor parts, and you lot need a lot of them if y'all desire to max out your consummate fix. However, if yous stock upwards on spheres early in the game, you can have a good amount to upgrade your favorite armor set towards the finish. Apply the following method to get lots of Armor Spheres. Go to the Resource Heart in Astera and register bounties. These range from collecting plants to slaying monsters. The easiest way by far is to collect items similar flora, honey, mushrooms, bonepiles, or mining ore. All these items can easily exist tracked on the world map and completed while you lot are doing quests. To complete them, render to the Resource Center in Astera and plough them in for one armor sphere each. If you brand it a habit to do bounties before activities and turning them in subsequently, y'all tin can become 4+ spheres after every one-ii quest.

Piece of cake Dragonite Ore

Dragonite Ore is a rare cloth that can exist collected from Mining Outcrops. Mining Outcrops are large blackness/blue crystals that stick out of the ground. These resource points can be mined multiple times, and y'all get random drops from Mining Outcrops each time you use them. Mining Outcrops tin simply be mined approximately iii times before you demand to wait for them to reset. Use the following steps to easily farm Dragonite Ore:

    ane. Dragonite Ore spawns in the Coral Highlands. Coral Highland ore deposits also spawn Machalite, Aquacore, Coral Cryastis, and other ore types.

    two. Go to the second/upper level of Area nine, on the northeast ledge above the road that connects to Area 5, to observe a Mining Outcrop.

    three. A 2d Mining Outcrop is located in Area viii, on the northward path that connects to Area 10.

    4. Afterward mining these outcrops, wait a few minutes for the materials to respawn and reset, then proceed mining.

    5. Run between both areas to collect Dragonite Ore. Subsequently finding the Mining Outcrops for the first time, they will permanently appear on your map.

Y'all tin subcontract these locations while going on a costless-roam trek. Without a time limit, it is easy to run between these ii resource points, collecting lots of ore. Complete bounties between Mining Outcrops to brand the most of your time while you wait for the ore to reset. That makes earning lots of ore easy.

Like shooting fish in a barrel Thunderbugs

Thunderbugs are an important particular. Combine Thunderbugs with Trap Tools to arts and crafts Stupor Traps to capture big monsters. To craft one Shock Trap, you need one Thunderbug and 1 Trap Tool. Trap Tools tin exist purchased at the vendor, but Thunderbugs are harder to obtain. They are displayed on the map if you found some, but at offset y'all demand to observe a location to collect them. The Ancient Forest has an expanse in the trees where you can find three Thunderbugs next to each other; it is up in the trees in Department vi. You lot tin collect them each time you do a quest in the Ancient Forest, or when they respawn after a while.

Easy Golden Fish

Aureate Fish are very valuable and can be sold for 1,000 zenny each. To farm Golden Fish, progress quite far in the story and achieve Coral Highlands. In Zone 14 is a modest pond that contains Golden Fish (1,000z) and Golden Fry (5,00z). If you are visiting this expanse for the kickoff time, information technology can be a bit hard to find. The video shows a quick manner to get there starting from the northeast military camp. The actual items yous will be selling later are the Golden Scale and Gilded Scale that you get from farming these two fish types.

Capturing monsters

Big monsters can be captured with traps for special rewards. In that location are a few things to know to capture large monsters. The first matter is yous need a Pitfall Trap or Stupor Trap and a way to tranquilize the monster. This can exist done with tranq bombs or tranq ammunition. Trap Tool can be bought at the provisions vendor for 200z. The following are crafting recipes for these items:

    Pitfall Trap: Net + Trap Tool (a net has to be crafted too with Ivy + Spider Web)
    Shock Trap: Thunderbug + Trap Tool
    Tranq Bomb: Sleep Herb + Parashroom

If yous become on a "Capture Investigation", both the Trap and Tranq option volition be in the starting box. When you are trying to capture/trap a monster, engage in the fight every bit usual and try to inflict as much damage every bit possible. The principal goal is to weaken it, throw down a trap, and tranquilize it. Since the game does not take wellness bars, you need to pay close attention to the fight and look for signs of weakness on the monster. For example, if yous see it starting to limp, y'all can immediately throw downward a Shock or Pitfall Trap side by side to information technology. It is likewise possible to capture information technology while it is stunned and lying on the flooring. Additionally, you can capture it while it is retreating back to its nest. Run past the monster and throw down a trap in the ready path to the nest to capture it.

Legiana monster location

Legiana is a monster that can exist found in Coral Highlands during the "Apotheosis Of Elegance" hunting quest. Earlier you can hunt Legiana, y'all have to first observe him, which tin can exist hard. The Coral Highlands is probably the virtually difficult land to navigate in the game. Information technology is filled with platforms and vertical gameplay that can get in easy to get lost. Travel north in Coral Highlands until you attain the wide open up expanse in Zone 8. Straight ahead (northward) is a large wall yous can climb. This is the place where you lot can expect to starting time seeing footprints and signs of Legiana. If you lot cannot encounter him in this expanse, follow the way and climb up towards Zone 13 to eventually encounter Legiana.

Odagaron monster location

Odagaron is a monster you tin can find in the Rotten Vale. When y'all look for information technology in the "Into The Bowels Of The Vale" story mission, you can find him in the lower level in Zone 14. In one case you reach the expanse, yous tin notice traces of Odagaron and a cutscene volition be triggered. Then, rail him down again and defeat him to complete the mission.

Getting Light Crystals

Light Crystals can be obtained in a few different means. You can get them from almost any blue mining node. When you lot reach the red mining nodes, they get to a different crystal. They are very rare and yous have a chance of getting them from any blue mining node. When you are about to get one, yous graphic symbol will practise an animation afterward mining to show they are excited. It volition appear and they will hold the Light Crystal upward briefly. Another way to get them is to buy them from the Melding Pot in boondocks. Yous demand Silvery Wyverian Prints to get them from the Melding Pot, but they are besides a guaranteed way to become them. Your Safari Cats and the Ship tin can also bring them dorsum, but this is very rare.

Unlocking Ropelift

To unlock the "Ropelift" fast transportation tool, y'all need to attain Coral Highlands and visit the Research Center. Bank check in with the Balloon Engineer on the top floor. He volition give you a delivery asking for v Shamon Hides and one Sturdy Bone. You will likewise have to give one,000 research points. Both of these delivery items tin can exist found in the Coral Highland, and you can quickly get the Ropelift transportation. For the Shamon Hides, cheque the moving enemy dots on the map and hunt five Shamons. Sturdy Bones can exist found in different bone piles around the Coral Highlands. In one case you have all materials and research points, go to Astera and complete the commitment quest at the resource centre to unlock the Ropelift station in Coral Highlands. They make it a lot easier to travel effectually and movement up and down the levels.

Unlocking actress meal recipes

Whether you lot are at the Canteen in home base of operations or are sitting by your camp in the field, both kitchens are identical. Every meal has fix specific ingredients types with a small adventure of success for the following buffs. Yous can profoundly increment the chances of obtaining these buffs by using fresh ingredients. You lot tin further increment the potency of the buffs through procuring new ingredient options. Whenever you are at home base of operations, go to the kitchen. The chef oftentimes has an "!" over his head, indicating he has something important to say. Usually he will give you optional quests such as The Hurting from Gains and Exterminator Of The Waste matter. The Meowscular Chef can only exist found at the primary kitchen -- so brand sure you cheque from time to time. Go the quests and complete them to become new meal recipes.

Irresolute appearance

Yous can change advent attributes (hairstyle, facial hair, make-up, and article of clothing) in your room in Astera. Go to the box in your room and select "Modify Appearance" at the bottom.

Irresolute armor colour

Progress through most of the main story. In one case you can beginning doing Rank six and High Ranked hunts, y'all volition be able to access High Ranked gear. This gear can accept its color changed. If it is non Loftier Ranked gear, you cannot modify the color of it. One time you get some High Ranked armor, go the ruby-red breast in your firm, and select the option to change appearance. Select "Modify Armor Paint" to change the armor color. Certain armors accept more customization options than others. This is also costless to practice as many times as desired, but it it has to be High Rank armor.

Mounting and riding monsters

To ride monsters in the game, y'all first need high ground. Find a rock or another elevated platform and expect until the monster is near y'all. So, sprint and jump onto the monster and perform a mid-air set on. If timed correctly, you volition automatically mount and ride the monster. Next, perform the on-screen commands to harm the monster. You tin as well mount monsters from the ground by performing a jump attack. This is a bit more difficult because yous have to jump onto the monster from the correct spot and land the leap attack from the back. In one case yous are riding the monster, you basically have a free damage stage where the monster cannot harm you.

Finding Poogie

You lot can find Poogie in Astera on the main floor in the hub surface area. Go upwards and interact with him. An exclamation point will appear at the exact time you accept to pet him. If you miss this trigger, Poogie volition push you away and you have to try again. If timed correctly, hearts will appear above his head and yous can name him, dress him, and acquit him around the map. It is believed that hugging Poogie gives expert luck when crafting rare items at the blacksmith.

Secret Poogie costumes

In one case Poogie is your friend, take him to the following spots in Astera to find bonus costumes. Notation: You can only discover one costume per visit to Astera. Consummate a quest or leave, then render to go another one. Additionally, all these Poogie costumes can be customized with different colors.

    Apprentice Fiver: Place Poogie almost the Huntsman/White Flag virtually the Commander'due south big tabular array.

    Emperor's New Duds: Go through the backdoor of the Blacksmith store, up the stairs, and identify Poogie on the wooden platform hanging off the ledge at the top.

    Grunter In A Frog: Go to the Botany area and place Poogie virtually the Scoutfly Lamp on the wooden plank in the heart.

    White Jammies: Go to the Smart Biologist NPC, left of the Botany area. Place Poogie most the large stone fossil in the dorsum corner.

Pet animals

You can take hold of wild animals and keep them every bit pets in your room in Astena. Early in the game, you lot will go a standard hunting cyberspace that allows you to catch animals with a internet trap nearby. This tin only be used on non-lethal small animals. In one case you catch some animals, go dorsum to your room in Astera and talk to your housekeeper. You can choose from all your pet animals and select ane that volition run, crawl, or wing around your room.

Armor strengths and weaknesses

The post-obit is a list of the strengths and weaknesses for armor:

    Ingot: Stiff confronting Thunder / Weak against Burn down, Ice
    Decease Stench: Strong against Fire, Water, Ice / Weak against Thunder, Dragon
    Brigade: Strong against Fire, Thunder, Dragon
    Legiana: Strong against Water, Water ice / Weak against Burn, Thunder
    Odogaron: Strong against Fire, Water / Weak against Thunder, Water ice
    Rathalos: Strong against Burn, H2o, Ice / Weak against Thunder, Dragon
    Leather: Strong against Burn
    Chainmail: Strong confronting Water
    Bone: Stiff against Burn down, Thunder and Dragon
    Vespoid: Strong against Dragon
    Kestodon – Potent confronting Burn down
    Gajau: Strong confronting H2o
    Jagras: Strong confronting Water and Dragon / Weak against Burn down, Thunder and Ice
    Kulu: Strong confronting Ice / Weak against Water
    Alloy: Strong against Water and Dragon / Weak against Fire, Thunder and Ice
    Tzitzi: Weak against Thunder, Ice (but a good base defense stat)
    Lumu: Strong against Water, Ice / Weak against Burn
    Girros: Strong confronting Thunder, Dragon / Weak confronting Water
    Baan: Potent confronting H2o / Weak against Water ice, Dragon
    Pukei: Potent against H2o and Dragon / Weak confronting Thunder
    Hunter'south: Strong against Burn down and Water
    Barroth: Potent against Thunder / Weak against Fire, Water and Water ice
    Jyura: Stiff against Water / Weak against Fire and Thunder
    Kadachi: Stiff against Thunder / Weak against H2o
    High Metal: Potent against Ice / Weak against H2o, Thunder
    Butterfly: Stiff against Thunder, Dragon / Weak against Burn down, Water
    Shamos: Strong confronting Fire, Water / Weak against Ice
    Hornetaur: Potent confronting Dragon / Weak confronting Burn down, H2o
    Anja: Strong confronting Fire / Weak confronting H2o, Thunder, Ice
    Rathian: Strong against Fire / Weak against Thunder, Dragon
    Diablos: Strong against Burn, Dragon / Weak against Water, Ice
    Kirin: Stiff against Thunder, Dragon / Weak confronting Fire, Water, Ice

Armor skills

The following is a list of the effects of the skills attached to armor:

    Adrenaline: Reduces Stamina Depletion at depression health
    Affinity Sliding: Sliding increases affinity for a while
    Aquatic Adept: Improves mobility in water
    Arms: Increase damage from explosives
    Assail Boost: Attack power and affinity increase at Level 7
    BBQ Main: Increases cooking skill
    Botanist: You can gather more than herbs
    Bewilderment: Stamina decreases slowly when climbing
    Constitution: Less stamina lost when running and evading
    Critical Centre: Boosts affinity (seven levels)
    Defence Heave: Defence increases (7 levels)
    Earplugs: Roars have less event on you lot
    Entomologist: You lot will destroy less small insect bodies
    Evade Extender: Evade distance increases
    Evade Window: Invulnerability period increases when evading
    Burn down Assail: Increases fire element attack damage
    Burn Resistance: Resistance to burn down increases
    Focus: Weapons will accuse faster
    Fortify: Increases your defence and your assail gradually
    Baby-sit: Guarding reduces less stamina and has less knockbacks
    Health Boost: You lot accept more health
    Heavy Arms: Heavy weapons practise more than damage
    Dearest Hunter: Amount of honey you assemble will increase
    Hunger Resistance: Gradually decreases stamina loss
    Ice Assail: Ice element attacks practise more impairment
    Ice Resistance: Increases resistance to ice
    Intimidator: More pocket-size monsters will avoid you
    Item Prolonger: Some item effects final longer
    Bound Chief: Attacks volition not knock you back when jumping
    Marathon Runner: Stamina depletes slowly during sure deportment
    Master Gatherer: Gathering materials is faster
    Master Mounter: Mounting monsters is easier
    Muck Resistance: Y'all can move more freely in muck
    Palico Rally: Powers up palicos
    Paralysis Resistance: Paralysis lasts for a less amount of time
    Paraylsis Attack: Paralysis lasts longer on opponents
    Poison Set on: Poisonous substance builds up faster in opponents
    Poison Resistance: Poison is less effective
    Pro Transporter: Speed when conveying items is faster
    Quick Sheath: Sheathing is quicker
    Recovery Speed: Temporary harm heals faster
    Recovery Up: You tin recover more than wellness
    Scoutfly Range Up: Scoutflies have more range
    Slinger Chapters: Loading chapters for slinger increases
    Slugger: Monsters dizzy up much easier
    Special Ammo Boost: Special ammo does more damage
    Speed Crawler: Crouched motility is faster
    Speed Eating: Consuming items is faster
    Speed Sharpening: Whetstone can be used quicker
    Sporepuff Expert: Sporepuffs recover health
    Stamina Surge: Stamina recovers faster
    Stamina Thief: Certain attacks can silly monsters
    Stealth: Easier to evade monsters
    Stun Resistance: Stuns last for a shorter time
    Thunder Assault: Increases thunder element attack damage
    Thunder Resistance: Counters thunder element
    H2o Attack: Water element does more than damage
    Water Resistance: Less damage taken from water element
    Broad Range: Some items volition likewise buff nearby teammates
    Windproof: Wind protection is enabled.

All weapons and weapon upgrades showcase

This video showcases all weapons and their upgrades in Monster Hunter: Earth. There are 421 unique weapon designs. There are xiv unlike weapons, and each has a few upgrade copse with 1 to ii weapon designs per tree. It comes out to roughly 30 design variants per weapon. This video shows them in the same social club as the in-game list (timeline beneath). Weapon upgrades tin be crafted at the Smithy in Astera. All y'all demand are monster materials, which are acquired past defeating large monsters. Each monster unlocks new weapon upgrade copse.


    one. Great Sword - 0:05
    two. Long Sword - 1:sixteen
    iii. Sword and Shield - 2:06
    4. Dual Blades - three:xvi
    5. Hammer - 4:xx
    6. Hunting Horn - 5:24
    7. Lance - 6:xvi
    8. Gunlance - seven:08
    ix. Switch Axe - 8:06
    x. Charge Blade - nine:02
    11. Insect Glaive - 9:58
    12. Light Bowgun - 10:50
    13. Heavy Bowgun - eleven:58
    fourteen. Bow - xiii:14

All armor sets showcase

This video showcases all 132 Monster Hunter: World armor sets and Palico armors in their Alpha and Beta forms (including Death Stench, Origin, Brigade, Butterfly, and Horizon: Goose egg Dawn Palico). These are all the sets in the Day 1 version without DLC (only the first set up of Horizon: Zero Dawn gear is released thus far). More armor sets will release in the hereafter. Note: All armor sets take an Blastoff and Beta version in High Rank, and they look slightly different or have a different color. Each of the timelinks below count for two sets (Alpha and Beta upgrade).


    1. Leather - 0:05
    2. Chainmail - 0:21
    3. Hunter - 0:32
    iv. Bone - 0:47
    5. Blend - 1:03
    vi. Male monarch Beetle - one:15
    7. Vespoid - ane:xxx
    eight. Hornetaur - ane:44
    9. Mosswine - one:56
    10. Kestodon - 2:04
    11. Gajau - 2:18
    12. Shamos - 2:30
    13. Jagras - 2:37
    14. Kulu - 2:49
    15. Tzitzi - 3:06
    xvi. Girros - 3:17
    17. Pukei - 3:29
    18. Barroth - iii:41
    19. Anja - 3:51
    20. Jyura - 4:03
    21. Kadachi - 4:15
    22. Lumu - 4:27
    23. Rathian - 4:39
    24. Rath Heart - iv:52
    25. Baan - five:05
    26. Gastodon - 5:16
    27. Barnos - five:26
    28. Dodogama - five:40
    29. Zorah - 5:53
    xxx. High Metallic - six:x
    31. Ingot - 6:22
    32. Faux Felyne - six:34
    33. Strategist - 6:41
    34. Lavasioth - 6:48
    35. Legiana - 7:01
    36. Odogaron - seven:xiv
    37. Rath Soul - 7:26
    38. Diablos - 7:xl
    39. Diablos Nero (Blackness) - seven:53
    40. Uragaan - eight:07
    41. Bazel - 8:19
    42. Damascus - 8:31
    43. Dober - 8:45
    44. Death Stench - 9:00
    45. Skull - 9:17
    46. Nergigante - 9:22
    47. Teostra (Kaiser) - 9:40
    48. Kushala - 9:58
    49. Vaal Hazak - x:xiii
    50. Kirin - ten:29
    51. Xeno'jiiva - 10:46
    52. Dragonking - xi:08
    53. Brigade (Depression Rank) - xi:16
    54. Butterfly (Low Rank) - 11:28
    55. Origin Fix (Pre-Order Bonus) - eleven:32
    Palico Armor Sets (29 total) - 11:33

Piece of cake "A Living Fossil" accomplishment

To get the "A Living Fossil" achievement, you must capture a "Petricanths". Information technology is a rare glowing fish. You must employ the angling rod to catch it. It can spawn in the brilliant bluish waters on Rotten Vale map. It can spawn during daytime and on any rank/difficulty. Information technology can exist institute at the post-obit location and looks like this. It is an extremely rare spawn and volition non prove upwards on each visit. It is recommended to fast travel to the Ancient Forest map and render if it does not spawn. It works well to fast travel to the Ancient Forest since the creature needed for trophy "Snuggles For All" spawns at that place -- and so you tin can try your luck with dissimilar achievement at the same time. Additionally, the creature needed for "Bristles For All" accomplishment spawns in the aforementioned location as the Petricanths fish. That other creature will spawn on the back of the nearby mosswine. So get to the mosswine first before it walks away, and then bank check for the Petricanths fish. If it is not in that location, fast travel to the Ancient Forest to await for the third creature and come back. Information technology can have hours of fast traveling to find the fish. Note: Fast traveling dorsum to camp does non make fishes/animals respawn. You must travel to a completely different map to reset everything.

Easy "Angling For A Bite" accomplishment

You will automatically have a angling rod in your inventory later you lot complete the prologue (when you accomplish Astera for the first time and get your weapons). Go on an expedition (for example, in the Ancient Forest), and find a small-scale lake or become to the ocean. Select the fishing rod and aim it at the water. Every bit shortly as a fish bites (food starts moving), immediately reel in the fish. An easy fishing spot is on the Ancient Forest map, Southwest Military camp (1). But a lilliputian due east of the camp you can come across a pool of h2o on the map.

Easy "Bristles For All" accomplishment

To become the "Beard For All" achievement, y'all must catch the Bristly Crake, which is a tiny black bird. It rides on the back of Mosswines in Rotten Vale only. It tin can spawn at whatever time of day and on whatever rank. It tin can have hours to find the bird, as it is ultra rare. At that place are two locations you lot tin can check in one visit. See the exact locations and what the creature looks similar in the video beneath. Bank check them both in one visit and if the fauna is not in either spot, fast travel to another map (such every bit Astera or Wildspire Waste product) and return. You have to travel to some other map for it to reset. Fast traveling between camps in Rotten Vale will not reset it. Annotation: Leave your Palico behind (talk to your cat at camp and tell it to stay) and equip the Ghillie Pall. This manner you lot will not scare off the rare bird. If your Palico is with you, it could scare the bird. The Ghillie Mantle renders you invisible to animals so they volition not even know yous are there. Become close and use the capture internet to capture it.

Like shooting fish in a barrel "Mmm, And then Tasty!" achievement

To get the "Mmm, So Tasty!" accomplishment, y'all demand to use the BBQ Spit while on a quest or during an trek. It is a fixed particular in your inventory that y'all will e'er have from the outset of the game. You lot also need some raw meat to cook, which y'all tin get from slaying small monsters and annexation them. Actuate the BBQ Spit from the item wheel. Then, permit the steak cook for 2.5 rotations (until the terminal second before it gets burned). Information technology may have a few tries to go the timing down. If information technology turns black, you take permit it cook for too long. If it is a rare steak, it did not cook for long plenty. Proceed trying until information technology is called a "Well-done Steak".

Easy "Rainbow Bright" accomplishment

To get the "Rainbow Bright" achievement, you must capture a "Prism Hercudrome" with the capture net. This is a small problems sitting on some copse in the game. It only spawns at dusk and dawn. The sun icon in the top left corner will first blinking when the dominicus goes upwardly or down. That is when this rare bug volition spawn in specific locations. You lot tin can notice information technology in the following location. Information technology tin announced in the following area. It is available on the low and high rank difficulty. The capture internet is automatically in your inventory from the beginning of the game. Equip it and shoot information technology at the animal to capture it alive. Y'all can so use it as a pet in your room in Astera.

Easy "Snuggles For All" achievement

To get the "Snuggles For All" achievement, you lot must catch the Featherlike Crake, which is a tiny white bird. It only spawns on the backs of Aptonoths in the Ancient Forest and on the backs of Apceros in Wildspire Desert (friendly dinosaur monsters). Information technology can spawn at any fourth dimension of day and on any rank. To catch it, yous have to be wearing the Ghillie Mantle. Otherwise, the bird will wing away and you volition non be able to catch information technology. The Ghillie Curtain is unlocked automatically during the story. You can equip information technology at the item box in Astera or at any military camp. It is recommended that you fast travel betwixt the Ancient Woods and Wildspire Desert. At the first camp of each area are the required monsters that can spawn the bird on their back. If it is not there, immediately fast travel to the other map and keep doing this over and again. It can take hours to detect the birds, as they are ultra rare (one% spawn chance at best). With the Ghillie Drapery, they cannot see you. Run up to the dinosaurs and utilize the capture net to take hold of one of the birds off the dinosaur'southward back. You can likewise hear a chirping audio when the birds are nearby.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    The Hunter's Life for Me (15 points): Complete 50 optional quests.
    An Inquisitive Mind (xv points): Complete your showtime investigation.
    The Franchise Hunter (fifteen points): Consummate 50 investigations.
    Step into the Arena (15 points): Complete your beginning loonshit quest.
    Nowhere to Go only Upwardly (15 points): Complete l arena quests.
    New World Settler (fifteen points): Constitute five camps.
    The Fine art of Camouflage (v points): Escape the Jagras pack by hiding in some shrubs.
    Fishing for a Bite (v points): Catch your first fish.
    Mmm, So Tasty! (5 points): Melt your outset well-washed steak.
    The Bigger They Are... (5 points): Mount your beginning monster.
    Commissioned Work (xv points): Obtain 100,000 research points.
    Bourgeois Hunter (15 points): Possess 1,000,000 zenny.
    Impregnable Defense (fifteen points): Obtain v highly rare pieces of armor.
    Power is Everything (15 points): Obtain 5 highly rare weapons.
    Movin' On Upward (xv points): Move into an upgraded room.
    Offset Friends (15 points): Befriend your kickoff Tailraider.
    Bust Buddies (15 points): Become fully proficient with any Palico Gadget.
    Monster Ph.D. (30 points): Research everything about almost every monster.
    Miniature Crown (15 points): Record your first miniature crown in your hunting log.
    Miniature Crown Collector (30 points): Obtain a miniature crown for 10 or more than monsters in your hunting log.
    Miniature Crown Master (90 points): Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
    Behemothic Crown (15 points): Tape your first giant crown in your hunting log.
    Giant Crown Collector (30 points): Obtain a behemothic crown for 10 or more than monsters in your hunting log.
    Giant Crown Master (xc points): Obtain a giant crown for nigh every monster in your hunting log.
    Capture Novice (15 points): Capture your outset monster.
    Capture Pro (xxx points): Capture 50 monsters.
    Elderslayer (15 points): Slay 50 elder dragons.
    Monster Slayer (15 points): Hunt 100 large monsters.
    Monster Hunter (xxx points): Hunt 500 large monsters.
    HELP! (5 points): Fire an SOS flare for the first time.
    I Am the Reinforcements (15 points): Reply to an SOS flare, and help complete ten quests.
    Hunters United (xv points): Complete a quest via multiplayer.
    Hunters United Forever (xv points): Consummate 100 quests via multiplayer.
    Spreading the Word (fifteen points): Collect over l Guild Cards.
    Established Hunter (15 points): Achieve hunter rank 100.

Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements:

    Welcome to the New World (15 points): Earn the right to accept on two-star assignments.
    Nothing Stops This Commission (fifteen points): Earn the correct to take on three-star assignments.
    Defender of Astera (15 points): Earn the right to take on iv-star assignments.
    Into the Deep (15 points): Earn the right to take on 5-star assignments.
    Expiry Begets Life (15 points): Successfully guide Zorah Magdaros.
    The Empress of the Highlands (15 points): Earn the correct to take on vii-star assignments.
    One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall (15 points): Earn the right to take on viii-star assignments.
    The Sapphire Star (30 points): Solve the mystery of the Elderberry Crossing.
    A Living Fossil (30 points): Capture a fish known as "the living fossil."
    Snuggles for All (30 points): Capture a fluffy, snuggly fauna.
    Bristles for All (30 points): Capture a stiff, bristly creature.
    Rainbow Bright (thirty points): Capture a creature that glitters like a rainbow.
    Atmosphere Temper (15 points): Hunt your starting time tempered monster.
    Indomitable (30 points): Hunt fifty tempered monsters.


Monster Hunter World Insect Glaive Gear Set Build UPDATED

Posted by: irenesoollike.blogspot.com

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